弟子规 国学经典诵读 - 有声彩图注音版 app for iPhone and iPad
Di Zi Gui (simplified Chinese: 弟子规; traditional Chinese: 弟子規; pinyin: Dì Zǐ Guī; Wade–Giles: Ti Tzu Kui, Standards for being a Good Pupil and Child) was written in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (r. 1661-1722) by Li Yuxiu. The book is based on the ancient teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius that emphasises the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with others. Like the San Zi Jing (another classic Chinese childrens text), it is written in three-character verses. The source for the main outline of it is from Analects of Confucius,Book 1, Chapter 6, where Confucius said:
And heres a translation more faithful to the original Chinese text than James Legges 19th century version above:
A student should show filial piety at home and respect people outside, behave prudently and trustfully, love all universally, and draw close to sages. While he has energy to spare, he should study edification by the sage.
小学语文新课标阅读丛书! 让孩子很快学会: 仁、爱、礼、智、信!
● 应用描述
○ 《弟子规》从居家、外出、待人、接物、学习五个方面教育儿童应该养成良好的习惯和品行。
○ 大字欣赏、拼音、解释、注释、译文、赏析,还配有很形象的精美插图。
○ 每个汉字,都带新华字典详细解释、汉字笔顺书写动画、汉字跟写功能。
● 应用功能
○ 图文并茂,高清、精美的插图,让读者更容易学习和理解。
○ 拼音可隐藏,排版合理,中国风界面,赏心悦目。
○ 名师朗诵,可选儿童朗读,译文也带语音。专业好听,字幕同步。支持离线听读。对儿童早教特别有帮助。
○ 励志故事:为了能更好地学习这部文化经典,特别提炼了《弟子规》中的人物典故 “90个励志小故事”。
○ 注释、译文、启示、赏析与详解、英文翻译、简体/繁体
○ 拼音精准展示。排版合理,中国风界面,赏心悦目。
○ 背景音乐为唐诗古典音乐,贴切主题,赏诗时感觉美妙无比。
○ 随心收藏,快速找到自己喜欢的诗词。
○ 支持后台播放、收藏列表顺序播放、单首诗词循环播放。
○ 所有内容和功能支持离线使用。走到哪、听到哪、看到哪。